G & B Specialties Model R-290HD is applicable to vehicles up to 14,500 lbs GVWR. Combines the R-450 or R-460 front units with the R-290HD rear unit, designed specially for this GVW range. Proven “Cushion-Ride” suspension provides superior ride quality, reduced vibration through the vehicle frame, less component stress, and constant rail wheel to rail contact. No railgear adjustments are required for varying loads. Rail wheel assemblies are bolted to the axles for simple wheel alignment. All four rail wheels provide full track circuit isolation. Included 12VDC electric / hydraulic pump and reservoir with sealed push button controls and emergency hand pump provides safe and easy access to the rail. Few moving parts result in low maintenance and lubrication costs. On rail, vehicle is raised a minimum of 2” above rail.
Standard Features:
- Cushion-Ride Rubber Suspension
- Automatic Locking System
- 12VDC Hydraulic Pump and Reservoir
- Built-In Derail Skids
- Rail Sweeps Front and Rear
- Standard Railgear Controls
- Full Track Circuit Insulation (All Four Wheels)
- Tubular Oscillating Axles; Increased Ground Clearance
- Protective Bellows Over All Inner Guide Tubes
- Mechanical Steering Wheel Lock
- Steel Wheel Modification Kit (SRW Only)
- Corrosion Resistant; Long Life Fasteners
Optional Features:
- In-Cab and Full In-Cab Railgear Controls
- Lever Lock Railgear Locks
- Tire Pressure Monitoring Sensor Kit (SRW Only)
- Aluminum Rims Available (SRW Only)
- Tires for Aluminum and Steel Rims (SRW Only)
Vehicle Classification:
Vehicle Applications:
GVWR—14,500 lbs MAX
GAWR (Front) – 6,000 lbs
GAWR (Rear) – 9,000 lbs
- Ford F-450 Pickup DRW
- Ford F-350 Pickup DRW
- Ford F-350 Chassis Cab (Mid-Ship Fuel Tank Only) DRW
Wheels: R-290HD
- Material—Forged Steel or Rubber
- Tread—10” Diameter
- Flange—12-1/4” Diameter
- Bearings— HD Tapered Roller
- Grease Cap w/ Ven
Hung Weight Breakdown R-290HD
- Total—990lbs
- Front—490lbs
- Rear—500lbs